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September 14, 2008


Keith Olbermann is a hard hitting commentator for MSNBC. My partner just sent me this video of Olbermann's scathing rebuke of the McCain camp, the current administration and the republican party's callous marketing of the horrendous 9/11 tragedy.

I don't normally publish on Sundays but this is one of the most brilliant pieces of journalism I've ever seen anywhere. It deserves as wide a distribution as possible so, please, after you watch it, send it to as many people as you can. This should be seen by everyone.

You can click the little white envelope below to send people an email link to this page.

If you prefer, you can send them the following direct link to this video at http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26645619/. (This link though includes an unskippable commercial just before the video starts.)